murphyDo you know the feeling? You want to do something in a hurry and the law book is being dropped in front of you? Murphy’s Law is active. Everything you can imagine is going wrong. With an impatient little ego like Betty, I know what it’s like. On a Murphy day my toast ends up with the butter and chocolate sprinkled side on the floor. There’s only one way to deal with this law, laugh about it!

Too bad that there is no way of knowing when a Murphy Day is coming. According to Betty that would be one of the more useful inventions of this era. A Murphy Day calendar. That way she could go into hiding, have a pyjama day, spent time on her nice soft sofa with a good book until the day is over.

That’s not how it works. The law is there and there’s no escape. Who was this Murphy person anyway? Can’t we get rid of this law? Good questions from Betty, don’t you think?


MurphyEdwardThmWikipedia says: Murphys Law,  by Edward A. Murphy, states “if there’s any way they can do it wrong, they will”  or “Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong”

Even though the law is often confused with the law of deception; if something can go wrong it will go wrong on the worst moment – Murphy’s son Robert Murphy stated that his father’s adagio was as follows: “if there’s more than one way to do a job and one of those ways will end in disaster, then somebody will do it that way”

A typical Murphy Day:

Rather irritated about something I get in my car, where the temperature is rather uncomfortable. I decide to stop to do some shopping (all things I actually don’t need) and with a bottle of soda I walk through the store. The incident that caused my irritation comes to mind again. Due to my absent-mindedness I drop the bottle of soda. Time to move on, I pay for the soda and get in the car. Of course it’s my turn to run in to a money transport car in a very small street and I’m the one who needs to move out of the way to let it pass. Maybe a small break will help. I park the car and open my soda. A splashing sound fills the car. The soda is dripping from my hair and the windows in the car. I’m not sure if I should cry or laugh about it. I try to find something to dry my hair. Of course there’s nothing there. Finally I decide to use my coat to dry myself. Suddenly I find the situation funny. Look at me, completely pissed off about something that happened hours before which made me forget about dropping the bottle of soda.

The rest of the day went by without any damage. Probably due to the fact that I laughed about the whole situation. That’s the way to deal with a Murphy Day.

I just remembered that I need to go wash the windows in the car, before a new Murphy Day starts with an ant colony in my car.





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